Monday, December 20, 2010

Stop Holiday fat with easy weight loss and weight control tips

Anytime we begin to wear more clothes the pounds can creep on unnoticed. It’s always a very depressing reality to face the truth about a few extra pounds. This is exactly what you want to do, face it head on to stop weight gain dead in its tracks.
Anytime you put on blinders and allow yourself a free pass to hide under fall and winter clothes without taking stock you’re setting yourself up for failure.
To keep yourself from packing on the pounds keep one of your favorite summer outfits hanging in your closet, where you see it every day and try it on once a week. This is a great way to remind yourself to maintain your physical fitness.
I keep a bikini hanging on a hook from my bathroom door which serves as a great reminder. I have a hot tub and make a practice of putting on my bikini and setting in the hot tub once a week. This helps me remember my favorite time of year keeping me on task to stay in shape.

Stop holiday fat with easy weight lose and weight control tips
  • Drink ice water, your body will burn extra calories bringing the ice water to body temperature and it fills you up curbing appetite.
  • Drink two to three cups of green tea daily as it boost your metabolism and is packed with antioxidants to keep you feeling good and healthy.
  • Have plenty of sugar free gum on hand, preferably mint, to chew when you feel the urge to nibble. This also gives you a fresh and clean mouth you won’t want to ruin by eating.
  • Add spices like red and black pepper to you food it raises your metabolism.
  • Get at least six hours of sleep a day. Sleep deprivation lowers you metabolism upwards of 15 %.
  • Pamper yourself with facials, pedicures and manicures. You can do this yourself at home with home spa treatments. Taking care of yourself and looking good inspires you to eat healthy.
  • Have lots of healthy low calorie snacks to eat like celery you can munch away on celery without the guilt of calories.
  • Cut out all white starches and eat less bread all together.
  • Buy yourself a stability ball and play around with it every time you watch TV. Set on it and do crunches and learn to balance and practice push ups on it. You’ll get the hang of it and get very fit!


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